What is Pianzhuan?

Pianzhuan is a not a sport. It’s the last resort to conflict.

Pianzhuan combines aspects of boxing, traditional arts and philosophies.

I see purpose in the various arts, and not one is not better than the other.

There is a, or can be, a fluidity when combining martial arts. Think circular not linear. Think of continuous flowing lines and less of a start stop straight line approach. Again, think fluidity.

Becoming a better self and the use of martial arts as a last option is within the lesson. I believe betterment and protection to be the focus.

Pianzhuan - “deflection” is a name attached to a martial art/life philosophy. Whether you are an artist seeking a way of peace or continuing it, this book contains useful reminders, tools and is a simple reference. An open mind and continued practice are key.

Look for universal connections in the arts. See the energy, balance, similarities, differences, within and beyond the practice of martial arts. How can and have you applied them outside and inside of your school and life? Which do you speak, and which do you live? What is it you seek?

My wish is that your journey will be filled with love, health and peace.

Take note that the contents of this book, are for you.

It’s for you to decide what holds value or none at all. It’s for you to try and seek.

As far as my personal experience in self defense, there has been times when I’ve gone into protection mode. It was when avoidance was no longer an option. The instances probably influenced me to focus on close range combat. But if I can walk away or need to run, I’ll gladly do just that. Also, in my personal experience, not once, did a person attack me with a kick. That doesn’t mean that we do not practice kicking. It does diminish a kicks value. I believe kicking to be an important part of your arsenal so practice them too.

And this is worth repeating…there is no winner when it comes to fighting, there’s only the fight itself.




“The years that an artist has been studying is important to some and the answer can hold weight. My involvement is best stated - a lifelong journey.