What kind of Martial Art is Pinanzhuan?
A special thanks to all the teachers, students, masters, grand masters, professionals, world champions, hall of famers…all who have helped to shape me in many ways. Some of the contents within this book are from their teachings.
Looking at Pianzhuan strictly from a self-defense perspective, we remove the concept of self-defense. The idea of self-defense to people is to:
1. protect or defend, then 2. attack.
Every motion in Pianzhuan is a strike and often strikes are with two hands, hand and foot, hands and head, etc. The major striking zones are:
behind ear
floating ribs
If you watch me perform you can see both a hard and soft style. I see benefit in both. There are some motions that I like that fit me. And there are some that do not. A trained artist can see the influences. You will read about them. I suggest to you that you study, learn and unlearn but most of all, have fun! I have a love for the arts and I hope you do too. If we lose the love, we lose personal growth through martial being.
Angles - Attack? Defend?
“A master has failed more times then a beginner has even tried.”
— Source Unknown