What do I need to Know? Fight or Flight?

Most people think of martial arts as a way of defending oneself. This part this is true. Time to create a visual. Picture yourself walking down a dark street, all alone. All of a sudden, you hear the sound of a voice, the whip of the wind against a trash can… your Spidey senses go off, you and you are now ready to fight! Are you?

We were taught and have inherited 2 reactions to danger. 1) fight or 2) flight.

Have you ever seen an animal documentary? Have you seen African Lions displaying dominance over their lionesses, their pride, children and/or their food? The lions will growl at each other, then do a couple side steps with inflated chests. Perhaps they may rear up while roaring. This reaction in the animal kingdom is 3) Posturing. The old “look at me and how scary I am. You better step off:” A challenger most often walks away or retreats. Animals sometimes lay down showing submission. That too is a reaction to danger, 4) submission..

I would place the order like this:

1) submission

2) posturing

3) flight

4) fight

Fighting is the last resort. Fighting is a survival method and the last of choices.

1) submit - “I’m almost home and I don’t want to fight you or anyone. I’m not interested.”

2) poster - raise your voice and pace quickly, advances and retreats, stand tall. .

3) Flight - run or retreat quickly.

4) Fight- The last resort.


“The years that an artist has been studying is important to some and the answer can hold weight. My involvement is best stated - a lifelong journey.


History - Boxing