I hope this book finds you well. Contained in this book, is information about multiple martial arts. This reference is a compilation from personal and shared experiences, various handouts and books from different schools and online resources.

Like others before me, I found what the arts share. I also unknowingly began combining them. I admit, I was a bit frustrated. Some schools had different names for similar postures. Some had slight variations on stances in comparison to one another. Some were almost identical.

One day, I expressed that I get frustrated at times while doing forms/katas. His response… from the years and different arts I’ve studied, the artist in me has evolved. You will too If you are patient enough. JKD, Boxing, Muay Thai, Escrima, Wing Chun, Tang Soo Do…I dabbled here and there, and a trained eye can see the influences.

The beginning of my martial life was with full contact. Rounds were timed. There was a 60 second break between rounds, a knock down, knock out, or if you took a knee and decided you’ve had enough. We did have rules for safety. No bending of limbs in the ways we know will break them. No elbows or knees to the head. No attacking the spine, GROIN etc. Our attire. We wore what can only be described as MMA gloves, shin pads and goggles (my teacher really finger jabs, rakes, thumbs to the eyes) and a mouthpiece. We pulled punches and kicks a bit but always with speed. The clothing we wore, everyday clothes. Ask yourself why and you’ll find the answer.

It wasn’t till my later years that I tried my hand at the traditional arts. It was there when it was suggested that I write a book. If you haven’t noticed already, I’m much of a writer…I would not say it’s one of my skills at all, but the content should sit well and is to help you along YOUR journey.

To better fulfill your venture, read and this book in any order you like. Once you understand what your desires are, seek other references to specifically guide you. You will also find some sections in this book that says “notes”. This is just space that I left for you to record your thoughts and ideas. But write anywhere on it. Circle, highlight, scribble, whatever you want after all, its your book now.

What I call my art is Pianzhuan (deflection). The name had a powerful life influence. Some energies are best deflected and I’m not talking about just kicks and punches.

It’s ok to combine. It’s ok to take from what you’ve learned and make it your own. Be yourself and hopefully every day, a better you. Make your journey a philosophy of personal betterment.

It’s good to see that traditional and creative arts are evolving. Now, it’s your turn.

Be well.

Be kind to others, and to yourself.

A special thanks to all my teachers, friends and family who have helped shape and influence me.

I have no intention to plagiarize anything. Again, the notes that I have accumulated over the years are from different schools and different teachers. I do not have the fortune of sighting most of the information before you. You may notice that some of the information is repeated…perhaps it’s worth repeating. Humm? I hope you find this book a useful tool and something you can keep in your library, or share with others.

Be Well,

Anthony C.

Mastering Yourself.

Martial Arts…with and open mind. Where do I begin? When does it end? What’s important? What is the best art? If you are looking for answers you’re already on your way to a better, you.

Work within the space you have. If you cannot see it, feel it. If you cannot find it, create it.

Your journey began a long time ago.


Mauy Thai

Where did it begin?


With an emphasis on technique, and an overwhelming proficiency of the basics, you will go beyond most.


Take your time. You have a lifetime of learning ahead of you